Nippon Institutional Securities Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby sets forth its policy on solicitation pursuant to Article 10 of the Act on the Provision of Financial Services as follows:

※The name of the law was changed on February 1, 2024, but the name of the law in English has not been published by the FSA.

  1. The Company shall endeavor to provide appropriate explanations of the contents of products, the risks they involve and other such details in light of the knowledge, experience and assets of customers as well as the purposes of entering into contracts for the sale of said products.
  2. When customers are solicited, the top priority shall always be to secure their trust, and efforts shall be made to conduct customer-focused investment solicitation in compliance with laws, regulations and rules.
  3. The Company shall not conduct solicitation at inconvenient times for customers, such as late at night or early in the morning. If a customer finds solicitation inconvenient and requests for it to be discontinued, the request shall be complied with immediately.
  4. The Company shall endeavor to present information in newspaper advertisements, websites and other such media appropriately.
  5. The Company shall conduct internal training aimed at having its officers and employees in charge of sales attain and improve product knowledge and explanation skills in order to earn the trust of customers and meet their expectations.
  6. The Company shall comply with standards including laws, regulations and the rules of financial instruments industry associations of which it is a member and endeavor to strengthen its internal control framework in order to ensure that solicitation is conducted appropriately.

Supplementary Provisions

  1. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to amend and abrogate this policy.
  2. The Compliance Department shall be in charge of the administration of this policy.

Formulated on September 20, 2018  Effective as of October 1, 2018
Resolved on December 14, 2021  Effective as of December 14, 2021